Saturday 6 April 2013

Three Weeks Today...

...hopefully, not at 3.38am (the time I am writing this!) we will be enjoying the second My Favourite Things...fair at the Broadwater Parish Rooms.
A couple of weeks of illness mean that I have to get my crafty skates on and get making.
I'm certain the other stallholders are better prepared than me. We've got a great bunch and I'm really looking forward to seeing their work on the day. Last time I spent over half of my stall profits at the fair, this time I must be more disciplined but it will be hard, I know that for sure!
This post is becoming very rambly (is that a word - I think not?!!) so come back over the next few days when I will introduce you to the makers who will be joining us on the day.

1 comment:

  1. I hope it goes as well as the last fair! Make yourself a great big cuppa and enjoy some crafting in the sunshine :)


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